On the other hand, visually this sub-genre is not monolithic, argues Bradley. The man couldn't pay his bill, so he gave him another six months.' Or another: 'You have a nice personality, but not for a human being.'”
please!' or 'A doctor gave a man six months to live. Some one-liners from Youngman include: 'Take my wife. The droll wit within the sub-genre of anti-memes and Youngman's humor seem at the very least to share a conceptual linkage. The professor continued: “His one-liners are renowned and offer the same kind of one-stop-shop for a quick gag. When asked how the professor sees this new trending concept of anti-memes, Bradley said that it’s “somewhat problematic, but instead of nitpicking an argument based on a semantic issue,” he said that “this sub-genre of memes reminds me very much of the one-liner style of humor associated with Henny Youngman, for example.”